Tips to Get Baby Male

Written By Andrew Gobel on Wednesday, July 6, 2011 | 12:54 AM - Anyone who has or who is getting married certainly hoping to conceive. In addition, they must also hoping to get the boys. So, how?
As we know, there are two genes in the sperm. Androsperma also called Gen Y and what we might call Gynosperma gene X. Gen Y is the gene that allows us a mother pregnant with girls, whereas the gene X is the opposite.

If husband and wife are equally dominant gene X, then most likely they will have daughters. But if the father's dominant genes Y and X genes of the mother then the chances of the children born are male.
However, it is counting logic that never beat the wonders of nature and power of God.
Well, if you and your spouse are still curious and want a baby boy, maybe can try the following trick:
Recommended Foods
The majority's theory says that having a boy, you should plan the following main menu: foods containing salt, red meat, pickles, fish, olive oil, eggs, sweet corn, soda bread, avocados, figs, apricot fruit, dried fruit , peas, mushrooms, zucchini and vegetables.
Try to keep the anti-acid diet and drinking 2-3 cups of green tea begins on periodemu passed.
In addition, you can also multiply to consume seafood and meat is also very helpful in this process.
Women's Body ConditionAnother aspect of sex determination such as temperature, cervical mucus (cervical), and acidity (pH) a woman's vagina. Recommendation is female recording temperature every morning to determine ovulation and cervical fluid every day at least three cycles.
To get a baby boy, day at the time of ovulation, higher temperatures and increased, decreased cervical mucus. To that end, drink three glasses of grapefruit juice every day since the cessation of menstruation. This will increase the termination of cervical fluid.
You should have intercourse at the time or the day before ovulation. Ovulation is when the release of eggs from the ovaries in a woman's womb. Usually the time of ovulation is three days before the menstrual period and the 17 th day after menstruation.
Time and Position Sex
During sex, the husband must remove sperm as close to the cervix. This is expected to accelerate Andosperma on his journey and fertilize the egg.
Sperm with congenital Y-chromosome (male) swim faster than sperm with congenital X-(female). Sex on the day you ovulate, innate-Y will reach the egg first.
From here arises the speculation that the position "entry from the rear" (female nungging) during sex, make deeper penetration, so that deposits sperm closer to the cervix.
There is also a presumption if women had orgasms more than men, will provide an opportunity to get the boys


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